Rent to buy – owner, don’t do it

by | Jan 8, 2014 | Problems

Owner, do not enter into a ‘rent-to-buy’ agreement. You can be badly burnt and have no rights at law. Especially if your tenant makes any improvement – with or without your knowledge or approval – that they then claim as ‘equity’ in the property.

These are my experience with a Rent-to-buy agreement in Queensland. In 2010, my mother died and left her house to my sister and I. We cleaned it up and put it on the market for $342k. We had a few offers which fell through. My cousin contacted us and suggested we might like to do a rent-to-buy for his daughter CR. It looked as though we were doing a good turn with no risk to us and went ahead. Under the terms of the rent-to-buy with CR and her partner MGK, they paid a deposit ($15k) and undertook to buy in two years for $327k ($342k – $15k). They paid rent (under a tenancy agreement) which we set to cover our forgone interest on $327k. They agreed to pay rates and water. Because they were intending to buy and the property needed work, we allowed ‘improvements to be carried out following our written consent’. All very amicable and huge good will.

All went well for the first 9 months – while CR was with MGK. She walked out of the abusive relationship in early 2012. Good for her, and one of the good things to come out of this is that CR escaped from MGK. MGK turned out to be a pathological liar and bully. He claimed to have a builder’s license (which he did not). He removed (without our knowledge) the pool safety fence and electrical ‘earth stake’. He installed (without our knowledge) a new kitchen – which he did not finish. He failed to pay rent or rates. He smashed up the house, held noisy drunken parties, threw a woman through a window, smashed windows, doors, walls, smoke alarms. We knew none of this.

The rent-to-buy ran out in May 3013. MGK did not buy and made no effort to contact us. His tenancy agreement expired and reverted to an ‘on-going tenancy’. He did not answer phone calls or respond to e-mails. We tried and failed to make contact through his father (who lied to us). A few months passed and we became anxious about what we could do. MGK was not paying rent or the rates. Our solicitor tried to get rent, rates and payment of the option to buy. No response from MGK except promises of ‘payment today’ – which never happened.

He would not leave and would not pay us. We were stuck and went to QCAT (Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) to have him evicted. The ‘member’ on the bench at QCAT would not hear the case because MGK claimed that his work had improved the value of the property (even though some of it was illegal and it was done without our knowledge or approval) and he therefore had ‘equity’ in the house. MGK promised to leave (but made no effort to do so). The case was adjourned twice to give MGK ‘time to leave’. If he did not leave of his own accord, we were faced with having to go to the Supreme Court to get him out – all because he had done some work on the house and  claimed to have ‘equity’.

That ‘equity’ claim is the big flaw in any rent-to-buy agreement. Even though we had a clause stating that any ‘work done on the property would be forfeit if the option to buy was not exercised’, that clause was declared to be invalid because we ‘may have been unjustly enriching’ ourselves by not paying MGK for his work – regardless of the value of the work or our knowledge of the work or our permission to carry out the work. (Similar to someone painting your house without your knowledge, sending you the bill and claiming they owned part of the house because of their work.) We had nothing to stand on and looked to be in a very precarious position.

Fortunately for us, our solicitor worked very hard to ‘ease MGK out’ and he did it. MGK vacated the property on 19 Dec 2013. He left it in a disgusting state: 4 smashed windows, doors kicked in, holes punched in the walls, junk everywhere, the pool green and full of tadpoles, superficial damage in every room and everywhere. The house was unlocked, no pool fence and no gate or barrier of any kind between the road and the pool – nothing to prevent a child from walking in a drowning in the pool. We began cleaning, clearing junk, cleaning the pool and getting windows fixed and properly securing the propety.

After discussions with Real Estate Agents, we sold the property, ‘as is’ for $320k. Therefore, because MGK had lived in the house for two years, he devalued the property by $22k. He owned us about $8k in rent and unpaid rates. Our legal fee to get him out were about $12k. Securing the house cost about $3k – he had smashed or removed all locks. MGK has cost us about $45k.

We were lucky to keep the loss to just that. The interpretation of the law by QCAT meant that we had few options except spending more money as soon as MGK claimed ‘equity’ by his ‘improvements’.

So! If you owe a property, do not be tempted to enter into a rent-to-buy agreement. It could cost you.

Shield Shrimp

When it rains across Australia’s vast inland region, temporary pools crop up all over the arid ground, giving life to a strange desert crustacean known as the shield shrimp (Triops australiensis).

Named after the formidable carapace that shields its head and upper body, T. australiensis can grow up to 7.6 cm long, and it uses its long, segmented tail and mass of 60 or so legs to propel itself through shallow water.

It also breathes through these legs – its sub-class Branchiopoda means ‘gill-legged’ – and in the females these legs bear ovisacs for carrying their tiny eggs.

Several pix in the Photo Gallery and a movie.

Acacia peuce

A rare and endangered plant. The tree grows up to 15 to 18 metres (49 to 59 ft) high, with short horizontal branches and pendulous branchlets covered in needle-like phyllodes adapted for the arid dry climate. It has a distinctive habit more similar to a sheoak or a conifer.

Although speculated to have been widespread across central Australia during wetter climates 400,000 years ago, the population is now mostly restricted to three sites, separated by the encroaching Simpson Desert. In the Northern Territory, the species is restricted to the Mac Clark (Acacia peuce) Conservation Reserve which is surrounded by a pastoral lease, Andado Station. The other two sites are near Boulia and Birdsville in Queensland. The tree is found in open arid plains that usually receive less than 150 millimetres (5.9 in) of rain per annum. They grow on shallow sand aprons overlaying gibber or clay slopes and plains and between longitudinal dunes or on alluvial flats between ephemeral watercourses.


Owen Springs Reserve on Hugh River

Owen Springs was a station on the Hugh River. The Hugh River flows into the Finke (when it actually flows). Both cut through the Western MacDonnell Ranges. The image above shows Owen Springs Reserve as a dot at lower right. The river it is next to is the Hugh. Hermannsburg, our next town, is near middle left edge. Hermannsburg is almost on the Finke River. You can see both Hugh and Finke Rivers cutting through sections of MacDonnell Ranges.

Palm Valley

Palm Valley is within the Finke Gorge National Park southwest of Alice Springs. Palm Valley has a smallish population of Red Cabbage Palms (Livistona mariae). The nearest related species is 850 kilometres away in Katherine NT. The average rainfall for Palm Valley is just 200 mm per year. Small pockets of semi-permanent spring-fed pools allow the unique flora and fauna (desert fish, shield shrimps tadpoles and frogs) to survive.

It had been assumed that the cabbage palms were remnants of a prehistoric time when the climate supported tropical rainforest in what is now the arid inland of Australia. Genetic analysis published in 2012 determined that Livistona mariae at Palm Valley is actually the same species as Livistona rigida from samples collected near Katherine and Mount Isa, both around 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) away. It is now thought that aboriginal people brought the palms to here from Mataranka.

Mound Springs

Mound Springs occur around the Western edge of the Great Artesian Basin and represent a natural discharge of Artesian water that was captured many hundreds of kilometers away from rain falling along the Great Dividing Range and New Guinea. This article provides details. Dalhousie is an excellent example of a mound spring.

Great Artesian Basin map Great Artesian Basin diagram